FPSC Assistant Director (AD) FIA 2019 Solved paper

FPSC Assistant Director (AD) FIA 2019 Solved paper

FPSC Assistant Director (AD) FIA 2019 Solved paper

AD FIA Batch-4 today paper 

dated 23-06-2019

1....NPT non-proliferation treaty
2.....Alan faqir... Sindhi poet... 
3...... BRI Abbreviation... Belt road initiative
4.....New START agreement between Russia and the USA... 
5....Imam bukhar born in... 194 hijri
6.....Ahmad name mentioned in which surah... Surah Saff... 
7......Hazrat Khadija R.A age at the time of death.... 65
8.....Saif Ullah is the title of... Hazrat Khalid bin Walid R. A
9......Indian president's name... Ram Nath kovind
10.....Largest oil producer in the world in 2018....usa
11.....Reconciliation Islam, democracy and west book written by Benazir Bhutto
12........Nationalization of suel canal in 1956 by...... Abdel nasser.. Egyptian president... 
13.........Hazrat Muhammad SAW belonged to the HASHMI family...... 
14.........Jallainawala Bagh massacre... 13 April 1919
15........Sindh separation from Bombay demanded by an Indian national congress member by... Hindhu... 

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16........Neptune spear operation... Osama bin laden
17........Eid prayer is... Sunnah
18......Pakistan is a hard country written by... Anatol Lieven... 
19.......Battle Yarmouk is between Muslims and Romans ..... 
20......UK prime Minister... BORIS JOHNSON
21......IMRAN KHAN met with trump on 22nd July 2019...
22.......Pre-Aryans were..... Don't know the answers.. 23......One of the options was MONGOLS
Fazle Hassan elected in legislative assembly... Options... Punjab assembly seat... Farmer's seat... Muslim seat........ Don't know the answer
24.....pak purchased Gwadar in 1958...
25.......first constitution..... 1956.....
26......turn out of election 2018...... 55.8%
27. secretary state of America..... Mike Pompeo
28....Yasir arafat was leader of... Al fateh

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